Thursday, May 23, 2013

The Geography of U.S. Hate, Mapped Using Twitter

This article dealt with hate. These geography students at Humboldt University California took tweets from the tweets were from June 2012 - April 2013 and the results are shocking. The total amount of tweets was a hundred and fifty thousand tweets. There were homophobic, racist, and other mean and hateful words being tweeted on twitter. The map is interactive and open to the public, and I implore you to check it out! Just a little quick tip. When you look up that bad word about black people, the results are shocking. The whole east coast is lit up! I noticed with the map that most of the hate is in the eastern part of the United States. I wonder why this is. Could it be that the older generation's sentiment of hate has had a trickle down affect to the younger generation, and that makes them want to vent online? Regardless one thing is for certain: Everything you put online has repercussions, this definitely includes social media. The record may not be categorized correctly, but it is available for smart people to collect and represent in nice pretty graphs that express (in this instance) where hate filled people live per capita in the U.S. (in concern with users who use twitter). An informative and provocative article to say the least. 


and here's a link to the map!

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