Thursday, May 23, 2013

3D-Printed Gun's Blueprints Downloaded 100,000 Times In Two Days (With Some Help From Kim Dotcom)

I found this article to be controversial, and it made me question my stance on current gun laws and regulation at the moment. So there's this gun that can be printed by using a 3D printer. Now its been downloaded over 100,000 times. This is amazing in the sense that there essentially downloading a weapon. A weapon that they can print. What's more weird is that this is legal in the U.S. you can legally print a gun in the United States. Now where the problem comes in is in other countries where guns are not a common occurrence. For example it is illegal to print a gun unless you are a registered firearms seller, but this could potentially put guns in peoples hands through illegal means. Though the whole argument about government and its regulation of guns could come down to some biased point of views, I think that some gun regulation is necessary. Now whether I believe people should print their own guns? No. I don't think that should really be necessary. In the United States it is all too easy to get a gun. The further south and east you go it only gets easier. Why allow that to become even easier. If not for liberals, there would be guns in every house in the United States without question. Now granted guns don't kill people, human error and stupidity does. I therefore propose that it is the result of Darwinism via human stupidity that results in gun deaths. How should we combat this problem? You fix it with the younger generation via education. Donate to your public school system *hint*.


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