Thursday, May 23, 2013

Man killed in deadly terror attack in London street

Now this one was very disturbing. The U.K. government is calling it a terrorist attack, because a man was killed. Two men slashed at, killed, and beheaded a soldier near London in Woolwich. They started saying Allah Akbar. One of the men while brandishing a knife said that he wanted to known so he asked people to take photographs. If there were an emotion or word that could best summarize this article as well as the whole endeavor, I would pick melancholy. This wasn't necessary, there was no point in killing this man, and he didn't deserve to die in this cruel, violent, and vindictive manner. The two men were shot and taken to the hospital. Honestly I can't argue for their survival. This is a result of fanaticism at its best, and no amount of words can make this better. People will use this as a way to express a viewpoint against Muslims with BS media propaganda, and I really hope it doesn't come to that. If it does I hope the people watching have enough common sense to realize the two crazy people who acted were just crazy, and they shouldn't be allowed to carry out violence against another human being ever again. 


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