Thursday, May 23, 2013

Student Engineers’ Skin Patch Warns When It’s Time to Get Out of the Sun

I found this article to be very exciting in terms of technological advancements this century! "Michigan Technological University Senior Design team has devised a sensor that tells you when it’s time to seek shelter, long before your skin gets red and tender." It's the size of a nickel. It has a smiley face on it, and when it vanishes you need to get out of the sun. This is just so amazing! This has the potential to stop a venue of skin cancer right in its tracks! No longer will tourists be bombarded with requests to by confusing sun screen (I’m not even going to go into the variable spf scale those brats have devised to confuse the consumer). It received " Best Overall Award in the Invention Disclosure Competition at Michigan Tech’s 2013 Undergraduate Expo." The best part about it is how cheap it is to make. The prototype costs about 13 cents each. This is amazing! I can't express fully in words how cool this is. It's like inventing the toaster oven all over again!


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