Thursday, February 21, 2013

Second Blog Post! News!

US senator says 4,700 killed in drone strikes

My Opinion

So a republican senator named Lindsey Graham says that 4,700 people have been killed in drone strikes. This is a large number of people, but we have been in war for over 10 years.

Personally I believe we shouldn't be over in the Middle East. I still believe that we are in their country to get our hands on their oil. The fact that people are upset about the drones does not make me skeptical in the slightest as to where our current agenda is going. We are going to keep troops deployed in that country until such a time that president Obama and Congress come to an agreement to bring our troops home.


Tuesday, February 19, 2013

First Blog Post!...Again!

    EDIT: I originally had a Tumblr, but decided that the best way to deal with this school project would be to go and create a blogger. So here is my first blog post! Again! (it was created on 2/14/13).

Initially we had been told to brainstorm on what we would want our blog to be about. My brainstorming sheet somehow ended up pessimistic and cynical, so I had to start over. I don’t really feel compelled to do a blog about nice pictures, or illegal substances, or poetic social injustices. I certainly do not wish to have a blog graced by moderately annoying “Facebook” sayings on life. I get enough of those already. I will try not to do a blog pertaining to advice macros, or internet memes. Enjoyable as they are, I have found that with working four days a week (and taking three classes making up thirteen credits), there are not enough hours in the day. I am getting off track, so let me get back to my main point. If I am going to be forced to make a blog, I shall make it useful and relevant to my everyday endeavors. I will make this blog about current events, and my thoughts thereof. I will pick a current event topic circulating through the media (any form of media) so long as it can be considered moderately credible. I will try to branch out into global issues. This way I will further increase my knowledge of the outside world, while meeting the criteria of having a blog about “something”. Enjoy.